What does social distancing mean for my sex life?
When we’re all supposed to be steering clear of each other in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, what does that mean for your sex life?
Someone asked us:
should I worry about COVID 19 affecting my sex life? I’m in the beginning of a newer relationship and I didn’t know whether I should put anything on hold. any advice?
It’s a question that lots of people have right now: when we’re all supposed to be steering clear of each other in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, what does that mean for your sex life? These are uncertain times, but we’re here with you. And we’re going to be here in every way we can with health care and information you need. We’ve got some tips on how to keep your sex life afloat while we all wait this out.
First, let’s talk about the guidelines the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has laid out for us all to follow:
The best way to prevent getting COVID-19 is to avoid your exposure to the virus in the first place. That means avoiding close contact with people who may be ill, especially if you’re at higher risk of getting sick. The CDC recommends social distancing at this time, because someone can have COVID-19 right now without knowing it or showing any signs. That means we should all stay away from large gatherings and keep 6 feet between you and all other people when possible. In certain cities, people might need to stay inside except when it’s absolutely necessary for them to leave their home — like to go to the pharmacy or grocery store.
Obviously these rules don’t line up with the way we usually think about getting sexy with someone else — like being close, holding hands, hugging, making out, and having sex. Taking care of your sexual health and your overall health go hand-in-hand. So you might have to make some changes to your romantic life at this time, if possible.
This can be a very isolating and lonely time if you’re hitting “pause” on sex and relationships or can’t be with your sexual partners. But that doesn’t mean you can’t connect in other ways — people in long distance relationships do it all the time! There are things you can do to stay intimate and *ahem* busy, alone or with a partner:
- Masturbate — solo sex can relax you in times of high anxiety or stress.
- Read a romantic novel or steamy short story (or write your own!).
- Go old school and write a letter or postcard to your boo.
- Put on your favorite outfit, glam yourself up, and do a photoshoot (this one’s great if you’re feeling a little lazy from spending days in your PJs).
- Video chat — go on a date via video and talk over some coffee or a meal.
- Swap playlists of your favorite sexy songs.
- Go on a virtual date — watch a movie together over video, play a video game or virtual board game, or listen to an album or playlist together.
If you have more sexy social distancing-friendly suggestions, share them with us on Twitter.
We also know that your sexual and reproductive health care can’t wait. We don’t want you to worry about getting your birth control, learning your pregnancy options, accessing STI tests, or receiving cancer screenings. We’re doing everything we can to get you the information and care you need. Whether we provide services online, by phone, in person or chat/text — we’re here with you.
Thanks for doing your best to keep yourself and your community healthy and safe. We’re in this together.
-Chelsea @ Planned Parenthood